the swings at night

Now that I’ve taken this shot, I’m amazed at how many other people have also taken the same one. 🙂

That’s what I said back in 2011 when I snapped this at the PNE’ Fright Night with a friend and colleague. Both of us were exploring photography in coursework and just by taking photos. Those black smudges aren’t just the swings, they’re the people too. Something about this has that very, very, very faint sense of irreverence for humanity… or perhaps a slightly indecent exposure of humanity’s frailty… like the way Starship Troopers portrays its unfortunate humans the way we tend to treat the bugs we step on (squish, splat, smudge, don’t even notice as I walk away).

Use the left and right arrow keys or click on the left or right side of the picture to move from post to post. This is all very "under development".