
On the eve of this civic election, I find myself angry that my progressive friends are split between their mayoral candidate, and that it’s likely this will cause the one candidate we don’t want to get into office. Coupland called Vancouver “City of Glass”, and you can see some echoes of it as you gaze at the downtown skyline from across the inlet. But that ugly scar of a building on the left (which I’ve grown fond of, mostly because it changes colour so dramatically from almost white to deep slate grey, depending on the angle of the sun, conveying un untrustworthy two-facedness, something I feel characterizes so much of how City Hall has operated around housing), that thing lingers and watches now, with median rents that look more like car prices, empty windows, empty nests, emptiness.

Good luck tomorrow everyone.

Use the left and right arrow keys or click on the left or right side of the picture to move from post to post. This is all very "under development".